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A collaborative collection of images

Pieces made by  Jenna Mady, Courtney Koenig, Livi Stigen, Zach Rohweder


What is our country becoming? (written in 2017)

In terms of politics…

Americans, and the rest of the world, have a lot of different views about what the United States is going to become over the next four years. What has our global identity become? Is the United States seen as a power, or a complete joke? How long will it be until someone attacks us on our own soil?

The most recent presidential election caused people so many emotions. Supporters of the right wing and President Trump are excited. They think that their agendas, such as repealing President Obama’s healthcare reforms, are finally going to make an impact. Others moan, groan and say, “I told you so” when Trump does something that people who used to support him don’t like. Many other people are angry and frightened. Their freedoms might be ripped away from them. People can’t love who they love, women lose the rights to their own bodies, immigrants facing possible deportation, and the ever living threat of a possible World War III.

A lot of Americans are uncertain about what the future of our country holds.

We, as a group, all have our own viewpoints on America and its politics. Some of us are very strong minded about politics and don’t like anything that is currently happening. Some of us don’t like what’s going on, but aren’t sure where we really stand when it comes to picking sides. We can agree that some of the biggest issues don’t affect us. 4 white Americans, living in the Midwest. Just because many of the social issues don’t affect us, doesn’t mean they don’t affect the people we know and love.

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